President Joe Biden Is Coming To India For The G20 Summit In September

President Joe Biden Is Coming To India For The G20 Summit In September

President Joe Biden of the United States is going to visit India next month (Sep 7-10). This is a part of the G20 Summit (Group Of 20 Nations). 

Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser of the White House, announced the trips as “BRICS” – which is a group of countries with emerging economies. BRICS being Brazil, Russia, China, India and South Africa. 

He also told reporters on a conference call that

The president will also reaffirm the U.S. commitment to the G20 as the premier forum of economic cooperation globally, including by committing to the U.S. hosting the G20 in 2026”. 

India has assumed the G20 Summit presidency back on 1st December, 2022. Ever since then, a large number of meetings have been held in the past year under different tracks. 

Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister Of India, said in his speech on the occasion of India’s Independence Day

A host of events held in the last one year under India’s G20 presidency have introduced the country’s capabilities and diversity to the world”.

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