Why Does My Smoke Detector Keep Beeping Even After I Change The Battery?

A Smoke Detector can beep or chirp as and when the battery starts losing its power. This is kind of like a safety net of some kind because it gives all of the home occupants a head start that the battery is weak. 

It still enables the smoke detector to function normally for around thirty days. The units let a person know when they need a battery charge – for only so long before the device leaves the house unprotected.

In this article, I will be discussing the ways why it might be happening and how you are going to be able to fix it. Keep reading till the end of the article to find out more information about the same!

Reasons Why This Could Happen

A Smoke Detector can continue beeping even after you change its battery. This could be happening for several reasons including:

Expired Smoke Detector

Smoke Alarms in general need to be replaced every 10 years for complying with the Australian standards. If your alarm has already reached its expiration date then the constant beeping could be a sign that the alarm now needs to be replaced. 

Make sure that you are checking the manufacturing date that is mentioned on the smoke alarm. If the detector has not yet reached the 10 years mark, then you can make a professional take a look at it.

Presence Of Humidity

Humidity is another factor that can also trigger a false alarm. If your smoke alarm has been placed near areas with high humidity, like laundry or bathroom, then that could also trigger the alarm. 

If that’s the case then you need to relocate your alarm.

Keep reading till the end of the article to find out more information about “why does my smoke detector keep beeping even after I change the battery”!

Battery Cover Has Been Kept Open

There are a lot of hardwired smoke alarms which encase within themselves a small form of battery drawer. When the battery gets replaced, you need to make sure that it fits the slot exactly so that the drawer completely gets closed. 

If the drawer does not get closed properly, then the battery is not going to make contact with any of its terminals. 

There’s Smoke

There could be a presence of smoke in your home which could be setting off the smoke detector. Or there could be a smoldering fire inside your property which is difficult to detect. 

Fires that are more difficult to locate typically happen inside floors, walls, or ceilings. It could also start within any electrical devices or outlets inside your property. At times, running the back of your hand right along the surface of the ceiling/wall could reveal where the potential fire has taken place.

Have A Look : Why Is My Carbon Monoxide Detector Beeping?

Other Smoke Detectors 

Generally the smoke detector’s chirping or sound gets so loud that it becomes difficult to pinpoint the exact location of the sound. For instance, you might be checking the detector near your kitchen when the sound is coming from somewhere else. 

Try Resetting Your Smoke Alarm

When you replace the battery of your smoke alarm, a residual charge remains back in the device. This residual left-behind can cause periodic chirping. It can come of much help in cases where the need arises to reset an alarm. This is a process which drains the charge. 

The steps to resetting a battery in wired and battery-operated smoke alarms differ in nature.

Wired Smoke Alarms

The wired devices generally use the electrical power of your home. However, a majority of them also have backup batteries which need to be replaced occasionally as well. To do the same, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1

First, you are required to shut down the main power breaker of your home.

Step 2

Then you need to disconnect the power cable of your alarm’s unit.

Step 3

Next, take the alarm down and also at the same time remove its battery.

Step 4

Now, you need to hold the “test button” for a total time of 15 seconds to drain the device of any residual charge.

Step 5

Then re-install or even replace the backup battery.

Step 6

Now, you can reconnect the alarm to your power cable. 

Step 7

Finally, replace your alarm and then turn on the main power break back to on. 

Battery-Operated Smoke Alarms

You can reset a battery-operated device by following these three easy steps:

Step 1

First and foremost, you are required to remove the battery of the device. 

Step 2

Then, click on the test button, after which you need to hold it for a total time of 15 seconds.

Step 3

Finally, re-install or even replace the battery.

How Frequently Should You Even Change Batteries?

Generally, when it comes to battery-operated smoke alarms it is only viable that they work on batteries. But you must also know that there are a few hardwired unit ones that also come with in-built battery backups – in case the home faces a power outage. 

If your detector happens to be the one that requires batteries then it is important that you test them out regularly and also change them out.

It is very crucial that you install new batteries at the very least once a year.

To Wrap It Up!

If the issue with your smoke detector beeping does not get solved by following the above-mentioned steps then you need to get your smoke alarm detector checked by a professional. 

Thank you for reading this particular article here. I hope you found the information regarding “Why does my smoke detector keep beeping even after I change the battery” to be useful.

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